The 2012 Canadian Open was held at the U of R in gym 2 from July 21 to July 22. Set up the day before the tournament was smooth and quick and the U of R staff members were very helpful when needed.
Unfortunately, the week leading up to the tournament saw some last minute cancellations from the 13 teams registered, most disappointingly was China and Malaysia (due to VISA issues, etc.). It was still a great event in spite of the no shows and no international division. Throughout the event a constant flow of approximately 200 plus spectators attended and were thrilled to see the acrobatic action involved with the spiking and blocking (without use of hands or arms)! The opening ceremonies started with all the teams walking into the gym and lining up in front of the spectators, then everyone sang ‘Oh Canada’, followed by a speech from Sask Sport Board Member, Robert Barrand, before the matches resumed.
The finals on the second day of the tournament started on time and ended on time. The closing ceremonies involved a speech from Honorable Kevin Docherty, Minister of Parks, Culture & Sport of the Government of Saskatchewan, followed by the awards presentations (also done by Minister Kevin Docherty). Subway provided lunches for players & volunteers on the first day, while Wallis Zbitnew supplied snacks on the second day. Prizes at the Awards Ceremony included Cash (Sr. Regu), Trophies, Medals & Donated Prizes from CAA, Sask Energy, STC, Potash Corp, and Lorah's Disposal. Thank you to all sponsors and dedicated volunteers that helped make this event a success! Results were as follows:
Senior Men Regu Event Results:
1st place was Regina C (Teams Sask), 2nd place was Regina A (Sask Veterans), 3rd place was Calgary
Junior Men Regu Event Results:
1st place was Regina F (Ruth M Buck Elementary School), 2nd place was Regina E (Johnson Collegiate), 3rd place was Regina-Rosthern
Senior Men Doubles Event Results:
1st place Regina C (Team Sask), 2nd place was Regina A (Sask Veterans), 3rd place was Regina B (Sask Rookies)