Participant Development Model

STAC has been working with the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) to take the necessary steps towards bringing our national association and the sport of Sepak Takraw under the umbrella of the CAC as an official sport. One of the necessary steps is to map out a model of our overall plan for participants to get involved in the sport at various ages and levels. Our model of participants is a little more complex due to four different games within Sepak Takraw, general indoor and outdoor seasons, along with a specified school league season. However, the main two games that are being promoted and played in Canada currently are Regu Sepak Takraw (3-on-3), which is by far the most played world-wide, and Doubles Sepak Takraw (2-on-2) ... both games being events in the annual Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Championships. CLICK below to view our NEWLY UPDATED: