Old / Archived Blogs

The 2012 Canadian Open was held at the U of R in gym 2 from July 21 to July 22. Set up the day before the tournament was smooth and quick and the U of R staff members were very helpful when needed.
STAC is pleased to announce that the 2013 Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Championships will be hosted in Calgary, AB, August 17 & 18, in the Calgary Volleydome. A BIG WELCOME TO TEAM COLOMBIA, SOME OF WHOM ALREADY ARRIVED IN...

2014 Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Championships
Sepak Takraw Saskatchewan (STAS) hosted the 2014 Canadian Open in Regina. Teams competed in the following events...

2018 Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Championship
STAC is proud to announce that the 2018 Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Championship will be held in Toronto, ON. It will be a 1-day event on AUGUST 4th. We are very grateful for the GTA organizing committee that has been working to host this event in...

2022 Men's Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Championship
The 2022 Men's Canadian Sepak Takraw Championship was a huge success! Eight teams with players from BC, AB, and SK competed for the national title. Here is our Media Release that...

Sepak Takraw Canada (STAC), “Has Set the Standard
Thailand: Secretary General of the International Sepak Takraw Federation (ISTAF), Abdul Halim Kader, singled out and highly praised the Sepak Takraw Association of Canada for its development of the sport, stating,

2023 Men's Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Championships
Sept. 4, 2023 Media Release for the 2023 Canadian Open Sepak Takraw Champioship's finals results. The most explosive and intense match of the tournament was the first match of the finals on Sunday between Medicine Hat and Weyburn! ...